Is It Really to Cut Grass After or Before Rain?

Despite best laid plans to mow the lawn on a set program of, as an instance, every five days, the weather might not cooperate. This can be especially bothersome as it drives you to decide whether or not to cut a wet lawn. Although mowing grass prior to a rain is greatest, mowing a moist lawn is acceptable when done properly.

Incredibly Wet

It is ideal to refrain from mowing grass when it’s very moist. Very moist grass tends to lie down and mat. If the ground is saturated past the grass’ roots, then you might actually transfer the grass if the mower wheels slide sideways, creating long-term ruts in the lawn. Besides the difficulty of providing the lawn a clean, manicured look when mowing exceptionally wet grass, also you risk compacting the soil and/or spreading plant diseases.

Moderately Wet

If the lawn is just moderately moist, fix the lawn mower’s cutting height to mow the grass slightly higher than normal, accommodating to your moisture. Under normal conditions, removing the very best one-third of each grass blade is best. When grass is moderately moist, however, remove slightly less than one-third of its height. Reducing the lawn mower’s blade rate, if possible, can relieve undue pressure on the engine and help decrease the grass clipping clumps the mower discharges.

Mowing Tips

When you mow a moist lawn, taking several precautions will minimize damaging the lawn and address security issues. Clean underneath the lawn mower before and after mowing. If an excessive amount of grass clipping clumps are in the lawn after you finish mowing, then try out remowing the lawn in a cutting pattern perpendicular to the pattern you used previously. Sharpen the lawn mower’s blade prior to tackling the project, and replace all of mulching attachments using side-discharge capabilities. If the lawn is wet and hilly, wear safety boots using well-designed, gripping soles to decrease the chance of you and also the mower slipping.

Before a Rain

Even though cutting grass prior to a rain may indicate you’ll need to mow the grass in a rather brief amount of time, clipping grass while it’s dry is the preferred practice. Mowing grass when it’s dry lets you cut it to the correct height and doesn’t create issues like soil compaction, ruts, excessive staining from moist grass and unevenly spread grass clippings.

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