Native to the continents of Africa and Asia, the Gynura aurantiaca is a vine that produces shiny, rich- foliage adorned with hairs that are purples. Its yellowish- flowers grow in the summer and spring months. Though generally grown as a house plant, It’s hardy in U.S.Department of Agriculture Hardiness Zones 8a through 11a and responds nicely to outside planting in the Northern California region.
Gynura aurantiaca
Prepare a little, well-drained container for the Gynura aurantiaca clippings. Incorporate one-quarter one-quarter and bark perlite with blend and half peat moss carefully to produce a well balanced loam. Fill your container before the water flows in the holes, and water the soil that is ready.
Thin out the dense foliage of the Gynura aurantiaca and use the clippings. Take stem cuttings with pruning shears that are sterile. Make cuts that are one to two nodes again on every clipping.
Place the Gynura aurantiaca clippings that are wholesome into the soil that is prepared. Stick the clippings deep to the soil to secure their positions. Place the container of clippings in a warm place that sustain temperatures around 75 to 80 degrees F with humidity ranges that are average.
Irrigate as needed to maintain moist, but not saturated, soil. Allow the plant two months to start root improvement. Keep the Gynura aurantiaca in its container that is present before the roots fill the container after which re-pot.
Repot your Gynura aurantiaca in a somewhat bigger container, as it becomes root-bound in its present one. Alternatively, transfer the root-bound plant to an outside area. Choose a website that receives lots of everyday sunlight that is filtered. Shovel the region and break up any clumps. Plant the purple passion plant in a hole that’s about the same dimensions as the root-system. While ensuring the complete program is covered with soil press the soil. Therefore the water reaches the roots irrigate the planting location seriously.