Reference Check Questions for Tenants

Among the numerous tasks that a landlord has to perform is that of private investigator as he tries to determine which people out of his pool of applicants might turn out to be successful tenants. Picking accountable tenants is crucial to maintaining your real estate leasing company afloat, but it takes some hard work and also the ability to monitor references so as to paint an entire picture of a renter’s financial responsibility. After speaking to the applicant, a landlord is going to want to speak with three or four other individuals to gather all relevant details.

Initial Contact

Throughout the first contact between a spouse and a potential renter, the landlord may ask the landlord a few very fundamental and broad questions about information applicable to their own heirs. Often, this includes requesting the candidate for the names and contact information of references. Applicants will frequently have identified references ahead; a common red flag appears if the applicant is reluctant to provide any references. If possible, a landlord should request at least one previous landlord in addition to employer and personal testimonials.


When questioning a prior landlord, a potential landlord wants to determine whether the tenant lives within his means and contributes to a favorable living setting. A few basic questions should uncover the renter’s rental terms with the previous landlord, the amount of the monthly rent and whether it was paid on time. Some combination of the following questions should give a potential landlord a more exact idea of how the applicant’s tenancy might perform: Was the renter unreasonable at all? Was the safety deposit spent to pay for damages? Why did the tenant go out? Can you rent to this individual again? In case the renter is really troublesome, a present landlord might answer these questions dishonestly in order not to prevent the tenant from moving. This is the reason why landlords should contact a minumum of one landlord before the tenant’s present landlord.


Talking to an applicant’s employer fills in a significant sterile on the potential tenant’s financial picture: how well he managed to use his wages responsibly to support a rent payment. Another red flag is raised when an applicant’s salary much exceeds his rent payment yet the rent is consistently paid . Other possible questions for current employers include: How long has the applicant worked for your industry? How was working with this applicant?

Personal References

Friends and relatives have an intimate understanding of a candidate’s personality and nature that’s built upon relationships that last many decades. You can expect a little additional prejudice in a personal benchmark, but you’re still able to uncover some helpful info in this manner. Find out how long the personal benchmark has had a connection with the applicant, and also ask the reference to talk about the applicant’s personality. You could also receive some very telling replies to the query,”Can you recommend this individual as a tenant to a landlord?”

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