Globe willow is the common name including Tortuosa, Golden Navajo and Curls. It thrives everywhere within U.S. Department of Agriculture hardiness zones 4 through 8 if supplied with plenty of water, draining soil and full sunlight. Once proven, the species is very drought-tolerant and needs little treatment. Like the majority of willow species, world willows propagate in just several weeks from cuttings and root. Semihardwood cuttings produce the most dependable and quickest outcomes.
Gather several 15- to 20-inch-extended world willow cuttings. Choose stems with a diameter similar to that of a pencil, which will be approximately 1/4 inch thick., soft growth in the tip along with development in the bottom Avoid cuttings with no or few leaf buds.
Sever the world willow cuttings using pruning shears. Make the cut at a 45-degree angle to expose a greater region of the interior flesh, which provides the the cells required for for root development.
Fill a 5-gallon nursery container using a combination of four components one part garden soil and sand. Insert the cuttings to the soil and sand combination to their size. Root up to five world willow cuttings in the 5-gallon container.
Move the nursery container into a area that is partially shaded. Water before the soil and sand combination feels the world willow cuttings completely saturated. Allow it to dry in the top 3″ before watering again.
Mist the world willow cuttings everyday to keep them – healthy and hydrated. Use a hose using a spray bottle, a mist nozzle or a greenhouse -type intermittent misting program. Increase misting throughout unseasonably warm climate to a number of times a day.
Watch for leaf development four to 10 months after potting the cuttings. The world that is rooted willow cuttings 15 feet apart in a sunny mattress a month after rooting. Avoid retaining them within their container for longer than a month, to keep the roots from getting intertwined.